Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello students in Mrs. Vinson's language arts classes! You are studying an interesting subject today. Pompeii is an extinct city. Mount Vesuvius erupted on a Tuesday, August 24 in AD 79. The eruption began with a small explosion and a thin layer of ash between 9-10 a.m. A massive explosion happened at 1 p.m., emitting a huge eruption cloud.
What other facts do you know?
When you blog, be sure to put your first name and last initial on your post to get credit for this portion of your assignment.
You may use encyclopedias, book resources, Galileo or Encarta to find more information.
You may also use the notes taken during the Discovery video shown through our data projector.
Good luck!
(We can upload photos of your projects once those are done!)
--Mrs. South

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Researching eras : Ms. Arp's LA

Ms. Arp's Language Arts classes are researching "eras" in United States history. Ms. Arp and I are working together to incorporate Georgia Performance Standards, 21st Century Skills and National Technology Standards into this lesson. Students locate their facts, along with visual and audio components, and will work together to create Power Point presentations. They are using Galileo for most of their research.
Today, we discussed plagiarism (stealing from the original author), copyright (even on websites), citing sources (on cards and within the PPT) and judging websites for value (wikipedia is an edited online encyclopedia...anyone can put anything on a website).
We are using 12 desktop student computers and three laptops connected to the wireless network in the media center.