Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bodies from the Ash

Bodies from the Ash : Life and Death in Ancient Pompeii by James M. Deem. This book is located in non-fiction, 937 DEE. Publisher: Houghton Mifflin, p2005, c2005

Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-48) and index.;August 24 and 25, AD 79 -- Rediscovering Pompeii -- The plaster bodies of Pompeii -- Lives from the ashes -- Herculaneumaes different fate -- A final excavation. Describes the archaeological excavations that began on the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum which had been buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79.


This is one of the resources used in the collaboration lesson on Pompeii (South/Vinson) for sixth grade students. Students in the sixth grade first block, please post one fact in the comments and turn in your page of notes to Mrs. Vinson. Remember to post where you got your information and include your name (first name, last initial).


Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Blogging is fun. Pompeii is interesting to research!
--Mrs. South

Unknown said...

This is a test for the class on how to blog...
Mrs. South

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

The top of the mountain blew off.Huge clouds of dust blew into the air.Ash rained down onto the city.The city of Pompeii was destroyed.

Encarta Kids

Alex J.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Pompeii was buried by vesuvius in 79 AD by an eruption that happens once every 2000-5000 years.

Tyler cook

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

The beach was covered under 20 meters of volcanic ash.
Tucker B.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

On August 24 in the year 79AD,the great ruption of vesuvius began.The cities of Herculaneum,Pompeii,and Stabiae were overwhelmed by ashes and mud. About 2,000 people were killed. Matthew m

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

An eruption in 1631 destroyed 5 towns and killed more than 3000 people.
Tucker B.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

There was another city next to Pompeii called Herculaneum. This city was hit first.

- Odessa McNiel

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...
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Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Mount Vesuvius urupted in 17,ad two citys were coverd in ash. Drew H. Encarta

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Mount Vesuvius in Italy killed about 2,000 people.

source: encarta kids

Cameron L.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

First there was a earthquake,A.D.63:then the Mt.Vesuvius eruption,A.D.79.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

A volcano erupted on August 24,79 A.D. and it destroyed two Roman cities Pompeii and Herculaneum,the volcano was called Mt.Vesuvius.

This fact was taken from a Galileo web site on Pompeii.

-Emily Harris

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...
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Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

The volcano Mount Vesuvius in Italty killed about 2,000 people.It destroyed a city called Pompeii when it erupted.

Encarta Kids 2008

Brionna S.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

The city of Pompeii was mostly damaged by a earthquake in AD 63. 2,000 people died in the anger of Mt. Vesuvius.Did you know that 13 ft. of ashes covered the city.Also Mt. Vesuvius is 4,190 ft. or 1,277meters.Another eruption before that in 1631 destroyed five towns and killed 3,000 people.

Encarta Encyclopedia Amber t.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Before AD 79 an earthquake damaged Pompeii in AD 63

encarta premium

Bradley B.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Volcano Vesivus had left Pompeii and Herculeam smotherd in ash and rock forever.
Also,for more than 1,500 years there were no trace of the aceint roman cities.

Charlotte Vargas
Facts from Gallio site.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...
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Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

About 2000 people were killed when mount vesuveus erupted Anthony J.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

The volcanic eruption lasted 18 hours
emmiting huge amounts of ash,burning stone,and toxic gas, Pompeii was covered in 14 feet of ash.

Kristen G.
facts from SIRS discover

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

The city of Pompeii was founded by the the Oscans.from Encarta Premium.
Ford Carden

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Pompeii was an oval shaped city with seven entrances and had every building that you might see in modern day life.

Source: P Encyclopedia
-Hayley K.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

mount vesuvius is still active today,we expect another eruption soon,still 700,000 people live in pompeii
sirs discoverer
kaleb s.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

mount vesuvius is still active today,we expect another eruption soon,still 700,000 people live in pompeii
sirs discoverer
kaleb s.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

More than one-fourth of the city remains to be excavated, and much of this area lies beneath piles of earth heaped up from earlier excavations. ENCARTA KIDS
Savannah M.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

Without warning,Vesuvius exploded on the morning of August 24,79 AD. until thenthe volcano had been silent for more than 800 years.
SIRS Discover
Cassidy C.

Julie, Emily, and Glovis said...

On, august 23,79 AD ,Pompeii looked like any other busy city. People were moving about trading goods, news, and friendly talking. Three days later, on August 26, all of these sounds had fallen silent, and the place itself had vanished. Almost nothing was seen of Pompeiifor more than 1500 years. Now, more than 1900 years later, we are learning more and more about the last days of Pompeii.

source:Google Site

by:Sydney Reeves