Thursday, July 10, 2008

Adventurous Women: Eight True Stories About Women Who Made a Difference

Adventurous Women: True Stories About Women Who Made a Difference by Penny Colman.
Henry Holt Books for Young Readers
"This book pulls together eight women adventurers born in the 1800s, each of whom went beyond boundaries to make a difference. ...The spacious layout and the chatty style are inviting, and Colman clearly documents her many primary sources, enabling today's Web-savvy researchers to find out more for assignments or for personal interest."
(Booklist (February 15, 2006 (Vol. 102, No. 12) Cover image from -- Follett Library Resources :
Publisher: Holt, 2006.

Dewey: 920.72

Profiles include a woman who served who served on hospital transport ships during the Civil War, an Arctic explorer and an industrial environmentalist, among others. This book includes an author’s note, selected bibliography, source notes, webliography and index.

Lesson Connection : Use the Webliography to research more about the eight adventurers. Create reports using Microsoft Power Point presentations. This source on women biographies makes history interesting!

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