Three extraterrestrial beings take Meg, her friend and her brother, Charles Wallace, to another world. Everyone in town thinks Meg is volatile and dull-witted and that her younger brother is dumb. People are also saying that their father has run off and left their brilliant scientist mother. The three embark on a perilous quest through space to find their father.
(Cover image: Follett Library Resources,
Young people who have trouble finding their place in the world will connect with the "misfit" characters in this provocative story. The travelers must rely on their individual and collective strengths, delving deep into their characters to find answers. Children will be able to relate well to the story.
Students will create their own description of time travel or travel into other worlds. Students should be very creative.
L’Engle, Madeleine. (1962). A Wrinkle In Time. New York: Ariel Books.
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