Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Book Trailer Rubric

Teachers and students...
I've created a book trailer rubric to use when creating book reports in the "movie trailer" format. There are many great Web 2.0 tools available to create cool projects. The book trailers will be something we work on in the Technology Cafe.


Could something like Twiducate be a communication tool used by teachers, parents and students? I'm searching for a good tool to use. Take a look at Twiducate, and in the meantime, send in your ideas.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Twitter 101


Educators, parents, readers... Facebook and Twitter are communication and conversation sites, and though I don't use Facebook, I am now tweeting (@bravesread) about technology and reading for our media center. I monitor information from other library media professionals, technology experts and educational leaders. Hope you'll join the conversation!